Multimedia Designer




Librarium is a Virtual Reality Memory Palace. An interactive game developed in Unity and available on the Oculus marketplace, Librarium is designed as an especially useful studying tool for standardized tests like the SAT, LSAT and MCAT. Librarium also features free decks of engaging topics, unique assessment tools to help track your learning, and interactive puzzles to advance users through multiple environments.

The first Environment is the Library, which I built based on concept designs from Michael Csokas and Kyle Baerlocher. At the surface, the Library is already a rich and dynamic environment filled with props and items for memory association, and upon completing interactive puzzles, the Library itself comes to life. Shelves fall away or slide to the side to reveal hidden rooms, which are filled with further puzzles and props to use for studying.


Concept design for the library by Michael Csokas

Concept design for the Library secret rooms by Kyle Baerlocher



The second environment is the Cove, which I built based on concept designs from Kyle Baerlocher. The Cove exists underneath the Library, hosting a shipwrecked home for the games flagship protagonist. In creating a more overgrown and naturalistic environment, I utilized more organic modeling techniques using curvature and splines. I also created several generative plant systems, which glow upon completion of the final puzzle in the cove that allows for the progression to the next environment.


Concept Design by Kyle Baerlocher

Hand Painted textures for use in the Cove environment

Generative bioluminescent plant systems created in geometry nodes



The final Environment is the Observatory, which I built based on concept designs from Michael Csokas. The Observatory was the most technically complex and ambitious environment in Librarium, with a high degree of hand painted textures, animated components, and complicated models. It also includes a very satisfying series of final puzzles involving the Orrey.


Concept design and schematic drawings by Michael Csokas

Orrey Concept design by Kyle Baerlocher